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Protest Everything!

Protest Everything!
Are you getting tired of adding yet another ribbon to your webpage everytime you discover another one of the government's many abuses of power? Is your web page cluttered from all the ribbons of causes that you couldn't live with yourself if you didn't support? Now you can save time and energy as well as space on your webpage by protesting everything at once!

Once you download this handy animated GIF and put it on your webpage you will forever be up to date on all the latest protests. Do you want to be ready for the protest a decade from now against Microsoft's buy-out of the US Government? Then use the ribbon - the color of the protest is already there. Do you want to protest the mass cloning of Vanilla Ice which will happen thirty years from now? Then use the ribbon - the color of the protest is already there.

Ironically, the ribbon also contains the color for the protest against the use of animated GIFs. This was an oversight on the part of the designer and it is scheduled to be fixed in the Protest Everything Ribbon v1.0 service pack due out next quarter. Until then, please download the ribbon, put it on your website, and make a link back to this page to let everybody know that you want to protest everything.

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