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Timothy W Macinta's Availability and Rates


I will be available for work of 20 hours per week or less starting at the end of January, 2025. I am located in Boston but will gladly telecommute to anywhere around the globe. I have extensive experience at working remotely and have recently completed projects for satisfied clients in Los Angeles and London, among others.

My services are provided by Pensamos Digital, Inc.


My hourly rate can vary greatly depending on the details of the specific project. Rather than quote a base rate which would give the false impression of rigidity or quote a rate range which would be overly broad, I have written a rate estimation wizard. My rate estimation wizard will prompt you with various questions about the project in which you are interested in using my services. You may answer these questions in any order and you may skip any questions that you do not wish to answer (you may even skip all of the questions, if you wish). Each time you submit an answer to a question you will be presented with a revised estimate of what my rate would be for your project.

Visit my rate estimation wizard now...
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